- Download the compressed file named "IMBookstore" from your client area after purchase.
- Extract the file.
- Upload the content within main folder into your root directory of Interspire installation.
- Now log into your admin panel.
- Click on "Store Design" link which can be found in top links.
- Now you must be seeing an added template named "IMBookstore", click on "Apply This Template". Now on the same page, click on "Logo" tab and Create a new logo image for your store based on this store design (if you don't have a designed logo).
- Navigate to "Marketing" -> "View Banners".
- Create a banner with any name e.g "Home Page Slider". In Banner Content, click on the small last icon "HTML". It will pop-up a new box where you'll need to write the below codes.
- Now Navigate to "Settings" -> "Store Settings" (can be found in top links).
- Click on "Images" tab and Set Storewide Thumbnail to 160 x 184.
- Now click on "Display" tab and set Featured Products and New Products to 8.
- Click Save.
- Create a Bottom banner with any name e.g "Home Page Bottom ". In Banner Content, click on the small last icon "HTML". It will pop-up a new box where you'll need to write the below codes.

You are all done. Please rate this topic if it helped you with the installation.