
ConquerMarks is an ASP-based online favorites/bookmark organizer. It allows you to maintain your favorites in one location and you don't need to make a backup of them, when you reinstall your computer. It has been build upon an Access 2000 database, but you are able to run it using an older version.
Filesize: N/A

EZScheduler is an events calendar that you have full control of. You can allow users to schedule events or you can restict scheduling to Admin only! Admin can schedule events through the Password Protected Control Panel. Admin Can view Events by selected day or month or view all events at once! When Admin views an event Admin can delete or edit the event. Admin can also change the colors of the calendar by changing the values in text boxes in the control panel. This Scheduler is totaly customisable to fit your website. Uses a MS Access 2000 Database. Download the zip file and read the readme.txt file for instructions to install it.
Filesize: N/A

EZScheduler is an events calendar that you have full control of. You can allow users to schedule events or you can restict scheduling to Admin only! Admin can schedule events through the Password Protected Control Panel. Admin Can view Events by selected day or month or view all events at once! When Admin views an event Admin can delete or edit the event. Admin can also change the colors of the calendar by changing the values in text boxes in the control panel. This Scheduler is totaly customisable to fit your website. Uses a MS Access 2000 Database. Download the zip file and read the readme.txt file for instructions to install it.
Filesize: N/A